
[LYRICS] Joanne Tseng and Real (F.I.R.) – Love’s Forever

Joanne Tseng and Real (F.I.R.) – Love’s Forever

見招拆招 (Seeing a Move, Countering a Move)
Language: Mandarin
Released: 2015
Lyrics: Chen Xin Yan and Real (F.I.R.)
Composition: Real (F.I.R.)

Love’s forever
Love’s forever
Love’s forever

你最好 還沒看到 我對你偷笑
Nǐ zuì hǎo hái méi kàn dào wǒ duì nǐ tōu xiào
It’s best that you haven’t seen me secretly smiling because of you.
距離抓得 剛剛好 差一點中招
Jù lí zhuā dé gāng gang hǎo chà yī diǎn zhòng zhāo
The distance between us is just right. We’re almost caught in a trap.
快要 踩到 甜蜜的圈套
Kuài yào cǎi dào tián mì de quān tào
We’re about to step into a sweet trap.

沒想到 你的撒嬌 會將我撂倒
Méi xiǎng dào nǐ de sā jiāo huì jiāng wǒ liào dǎo
I didn’t expect that your whining would knock me down.
原來聰明到最高 就是懂耍寶
Yuán lái cōng ming dào zuì gāo jiù shì dǒng shuǎ bǎo
So to be the smartest, you have to understand how to show off.
見招 拆招 緣份在勾心鬥角
Jiàn zhāo chāi zhāo yuán fèn zài gōu xīn dòu jiǎo
Seeing a move, countering a move, fate comes from battling one another.

Forever 每一天 想著我 看著我 抱著我
Forever měi yī tiān xiǎng zhe wǒ kàn zhe wǒ bào zhe wǒ
Forever, think of me, look at me, and hold me every day.
Please don’t go 每一夜 賴著我 黏著我 陪著我
Please don’t go měi yī yè lài zhe wǒ nián zhuó wǒ péi zhe wǒ
Please don’t go. Depend on me, stick to me, and be with me every night.
打敗難搞的寂寞 絕招就是溫柔
Dǎ bài nán gǎo de jì mò jué zhāo jiù shì wēn róu
To beat the loneliness that’s hard to deal with, the finishing blow is tenderness.

一直到 forever 每一秒 一邊愛 一邊鬥 不罷休
Yī zhí dào forever měi yī miǎo yī biān ài yī biān dòu bù bà xiū
Until forever, every second, we love while battling and not letting go.
Let’s battle 每一次 欺負我 設計我 依賴我
Let’s battle měi yī cì qī fu wǒ shè jì wǒ yī lài wǒ
Let’s battle, every time, you bully me, manipulate me, and depend on me.
Ài shì làng màn de zhuō nòng
Love is romance’s tease.
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever

We will
We will
We will
We love
We love
We love

我不想逃 你不想逃 這座愛情的監牢
Wǒ bù xiǎng táo nǐ bù xiǎng táo zhè zuò ài qíng de jiān láo
You and I both don’t want to escape this prison of love.
我不要走 你不要走 看你還有哪一招
Wǒ bù yào zǒu nǐ bù yào zǒu kàn nǐ hái yǒu nǎ yī zhāo
You and I both don’t want to leave, seeing how you still have that move.
難得高手過招 使出所有法寶
Nán dé gāo shǒu guò zhāo shǐ chū suǒ yǒu fǎ bǎo
Experts rarely use all their power
親吻 擁抱 刺激著心跳
Qīn wěn yōng bào cì jī zhe xīn tiào
To kiss, hug, and accelerate heartbeats when they fight.

You will be mine forever
You will be mine forever
You will be mine forever
I will be yours forever
I will be yours forever
I will be yours forever
猜猜你 喔 猜猜我 不要太快揭曉
Cāi cāi nǐ ō cāi cāi wǒ bù yào tài kuài jiē xiǎo
Guessing you, guessing me, don’t make an announcement too quickly.

一直到 Forever 每一天 想著我 看著我 抱著我
Yī zhí dào forever měi yī tiān xiǎng zhe wǒ kàn zhe wǒ bào zhe wǒ
Until forever, think of me, look at me, and hold me every day.
Please don’t go 每一夜 賴著我 黏著我 陪著我
Please don’t go měi yī yè lài zhe wǒ nián zhuó wǒ péi zhe wǒ
Please don’t go. Depend on me, stick to me, and be with me every night.
打敗難搞的寂寞 絕招就是溫柔
Dǎ bài nán gǎo de jì mò jué zhāo jiù shì wēn róu
To beat the loneliness that’s hard to deal with, the finishing blow is tenderness.

一直到 forever 每一秒 一邊愛 一邊鬥 不罷休
Yī zhí dào forever měi yī miǎo yī biān ài yī biān dòu bù bà xiū
Until forever, every second, we love while battling and not letting go.
Let’s battle 每一次 欺負我 設計我 依賴我
Let’s battle měi yī cì qī fu wǒ shè jì wǒ yī lài wǒ
Let’s battle, every time, you bully me, manipulate me, and depend on me.
Ài shì làng màn de zhuō nòng
Love is romance’s tease.
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever

You will be mine forever
You will be mine forever
You will be mine forever
I will be yours forever
I will be yours forever
I will be yours forever
猜猜你 喔 猜猜我 不要太快揭曉
Cāi cāi nǐ ō cāi cāi wǒ bù yào tài kuài jiē xiǎo
Guessing you, guessing me, don’t make an announcement too quickly.

一直到 forever 每一秒 一邊愛 一邊鬥 不罷休
Yī zhí dào forever měi yī miǎo yī biān ài yī biān dòu bù bà xiū
Until forever, every second, we love while battling and not letting go.
Let’s battle 每一次 欺負我 設計我 依賴我
Let’s battle měi yī cì qī fu wǒ shè jì wǒ yī lài wǒ
Let’s battle, every time, you bully me, manipulate me, and depend on me.
Ài shì làng màn de zhuō nòng
Love is romance’s tease.
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever
I want, I do, I will love you forever

Love’s Forever (Seeing a Move, Countering a Move) is the opening song for the drama Marry Me, or Not?, starring Roy Chiu, Alice Ke, Joanne Tseng, and Harry Zhang.

Watch it on: DramaFeverViki

Please credit Asian Euphoria if you use these translations. Please do not post on other lyrics sites.

One thought on “[LYRICS] Joanne Tseng and Real (F.I.R.) – Love’s Forever

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